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Posts Tagged ‘light’

The Words Will Just Not Come

In community, personal, Photography, writing on April 15, 2023 at 11:46 AM

‘i stood alone by the water and ached for you’
copyright tania palermo

I take a 24-hour respite from the news but continue to hear of more devastation, loss, grief, anger, confusion. The stories reach me in many ways and play over and over in the back of my mind as I meet a friend for coffee; do the grocery shopping; fold the laundry.

I’ve been trying to write all day and the words will just not come. Or, they will come, full of angst and wanting to start a fight. A friend sends a video of her walk outdoors and tells me the rivers and trees are calling out for me to come walk there too, with her. We’ve been talking a lot about community and connection lately. The one giant rock that looks more like a small boulder does grumble lowly as she walks past, and tells me – it is angsty too – which makes me trust it immediately.

Painting would help, but I cleaned the kitchen yesterday, (my makeshift studio), and need to let it have at least one day of rest before messing it up again. The table has lost its fight and is decorated with splotches of many colors but the floor still has hope it will survive the creativity without needing to be scraped and refinished.

sold to private collection
copyright tania palermo

It makes me feel small, the not knowing what to do. Or how to hold onto hope in the face of the suffering I see. Or wanting to make things change but feeling powerless to do so.

I scroll through old photos to distract myself and listen to music and keep breathing and know that I AM small and cannot do much for the far away friend who asks me to pray for her daughter, other than to witness her and acknowledge her worry and pray for her daughter and decide, again, that I will do just that, over and over. Not close my eyes. Witness and acknowledge and offer kindnesses and hold doors open and share the bread I make and sit at the doctors’ offices and watch the friends’ dog so they can escape and recharge, and maybe all these little things will matter. Maybe trickles of light will seep in, grow, and start to take up more space than the grief and despair and the feelings of rage at the injustices done. Maybe any action is better than no action and even though we feel small and powerless we can make a difference. And maybe to believe otherwise gives the ‘darkness’ power it does not deserve.


In landscape, personal, Photography, Uncategorized on December 23, 2016 at 4:06 PM


    “The core of your 
true self
is never lost.
Let go of all the
pretending and
the becoming
you’ve done just
to belong.
Curl up with your
rawness and come home.
You don’t have to
find yourself;
you just have to
let yourself in.”
― D Antoinette Foy

Nature at rest.

In Art, landscape, Photography, story, Uncategorized on November 20, 2016 at 7:03 PM



In Art, art portraiture, Photography, Portrait, Uncategorized on November 4, 2016 at 12:26 PM



“The artist never entirely knows — We guess. We may be wrong, but we take leap after leap in the dark” ~Agnes de Mille

The final days of summer | The light at dusk

In CT, landscape, Manchester, Photography, Uncategorized on September 13, 2016 at 9:12 PM

Shadow & Light

In Art, art portraiture, Photography, Portrait, Uncategorized on July 30, 2016 at 1:11 PM

“If you don’t have any shadows you’re not in the light”   ~Lady Gaga~


“Light and shadow are opposite sides of the same coin. We can illuminate our paths or darken our way. It is a matter of choice.”

~Maya Angelou~


“To light a candle is to cast a shadow” ~Ursula K LeGuin
