massage therapist | photographer

Posts Tagged ‘hospital’

Birth Photographer | Makeshift Doula

In Family Portrait, Newborn, Photography, story, Uncategorized on September 7, 2016 at 5:14 PM

A few weeks back I had the honor of being asked to photograph a birth –  AND  – as my other career hat is as a massage therapist – be the stand in doula. What an experience!  I met the couple at the hospital and photographed the experience from hours after the water broke ’til 30 hours later when a c-section had to be performed – alternating between taking a few pictures and then doing a back rub with some essential oil infused lotions I’d brought along.  This photo-journalistic / documentary style is a departure from the usual head shots and portraits I do and I really enjoyed witnessing and capturing the untouched, non-staged, real life moments.


The hospital staff were kind and accommodating and even allowed me in the operating room to capture a few images of babies first breath [as mom had hoped for] when we found out the c-section was necessary.


I’ve got a few goofy photos of me and dad in scrubs, along with some beautiful shots of the raw reality of bringing life into this world. [What our bodies can do is amazing!!]


But for today’s sharing just a few cute shots of this beautiful blessing.


Congratulations to the new mom and dad and thank you for trusting me to be part of the experience with you!